Focus on North Carolina: Crime and Jurisdiction – Uncovering Genealogical Records in Unexpected Places

Understanding the legal jurisdiction and geography of ancestors and events is critical in finding needed genealogical records. For various historical reasons, records are not always found in the most obvious places.  The four Abbott brothers, responsible for a one-family 18th-century Piedmont crime spree, will help us illustrate this.

Get Tickets $25.00 – $85.00

Focus on North Carolina: Crime and Jurisdiction – Uncovering Genealogical Records in Unexpected Places

Understanding the legal jurisdiction and geography of ancestors and events is critical in finding needed genealogical records. For various historical reasons, records are not always found in the most obvious places.  The four Abbott brothers, responsible for a one-family 18th-century Piedmont crime spree, will help us illustrate this.

Get Tickets $25.00 – $85.00

Focus on North Carolina: Pathways to the Past – Exploring Road and Toll Records for Genealogical Research

Road and toll records tell us a tremendous amount about our ancestors.  They fill in gaps by providing information that might not be found in the usually explored governmental records.  Best of all, they help you learn about those living closest to your ancestors – their FAN Club (Friends, Associates, and Neighbors).  They might also connect family members explicitly, give us the details needed to identify where our ancestors lived (sometimes vague deeds are not enough), and provide additional information. Learn about these less-explored records and the incredible genealogically-leverageable data they include.

Get Tickets $25.00 – $85.00

Focus on North Carolina: Pathways to the Past – Exploring Road and Toll Records for Genealogical Research

Road and toll records tell us a tremendous amount about our ancestors.  They fill in gaps by providing information that might not be found in the usually explored governmental records.  Best of all, they help you learn about those living closest to your ancestors – their FAN Club (Friends, Associates, and Neighbors).  They might also connect family members explicitly, give us the details needed to identify where our ancestors lived (sometimes vague deeds are not enough), and provide additional information. Learn about these less-explored records and the incredible genealogically-leverageable data they include.

Get Tickets $25.00 – $85.00